Priority List for Uniform Standards Development

On July 1 each year, the Product Standards Committee (PSC) commences its Uniform Standards development prioritization process. Members and interested parties may request new or amended Uniform Standards by completing the Request Form for New Uniform Standards or Changes to Uniform Standards. The PSC will accept completed forms with suggestions for new or amended Uniform Standards until June 30. Completed forms may be submitted to the Compact Office via email:  

The procedure for annual identification of Uniform Standards Development is outlined in the Uniform Standards Development Guidelines

The PSC holds at least one public call prior to developing its prioritization recommendation and at least one public call before presenting its recommendation for the annual development of Uniform Standards prioritization to the Management Committee. All requests for new or amended Uniform Standards that are identified by June 30 each year will be considered for inclusion on the recommendation to the Management Committee and Commission for the following year's prioritization for Uniform Standards, including pending requests that have not yet been addressed from older priority lists. The PSC makes its prioritization recommendation by the end of September to coincide with the annual budget process.  

Insurance Compact Uniform Standards Development Prioritization List

The current Uniform Standards Development Prioritization list was recommended by the Product Standards Committee in October 2024 and adopted by the Commission in November 2024. The Product Standards Committee’s 2025 work goals are based on this Prioritization list.