Docket Developing Standard

Uniform Standards for Group Disability Income Insurance Enrollment Forms and Statement of Insurability Forms

Docket Status: Open written comment period
Subject Matter:

Purpose of Proposed New Rules: The purpose of these amendments is to amend the following group disability income insurance uniform standards in accordance with the 5-year Commission Review of Rules required by ยง 119 of the Rule for the Adoption, Amendment and Repeal of Rules for the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission. The procedures adopted by the Management Committee in March 2012 for implementing the 5-year review process limit the scope of review under Section 119 to identifying "the need for continuation, repeal or amendment of the rule based primarily on whether circumstances or underlying assumptions have changed since the last time the rule was adopted, amended or reviewed. See the Transmittal Memo for a more detailed description of the proposed amendments. Additionally, amendments are proposed to allow for other than employer groups. See the link for the Transmittal memo for a more detailed description of the proposed amendments.

Effective Date:
Hearing Date:
Comments Due:
Additional Information:

Published Notices of Standards: Citation of Notice published September 16, 2024