
Preparing for SERFF Modernization

Mark your calendars! The new version of SERFF is being launched for the Compact world very soon! All Compact filing data from the legacy system will be migrated starting Friday, February 28th to make the new application available on Monday, March 3rd.

What does this mean for you?

  • Draft filings will not migrate over from legacy SERFF. If you are building a filing and preparing to submit a filing to the Compact, the filing needs to be submitted before February 28th or recreated in modernized SERFF. All Compact filings submitted or with a disposition date before February 28th will be migrated.
  • To avoid disruption with Add a States, the Compact Office is going to request filers not add states to filings the week of February 24th. This will allow for the Compact Office to process those requests prior to the migration. 
  • This change is being rolled out to Compact filings first. Only Compact filings are subject to this timeline. State filings outside of the Compact will not be affected when modernized SERFF goes into production for the Compact.
  • Compact filings in the legacy system will change to read-only upon migration, and any updates will come into the new system.​
  • Reach out to your internal team and make sure everyone is aware of these upcoming changes.

The Insurance Compact will be issuing a series of tips in conjunction with the SERFF Team to help you prepare for this upcoming change. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Compact Office via

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