
It's Go Time

In preparation for the switch to the modernized SERFF platform at the end of this week, we emphasize these key points as additions to our prior tips regarding the launch of the modernized SERFF platform.

Filing Fee Specifics

  1. One of the benefits on the modernized platform will be the automatic calculation of the Compact and state filing fees built into the SERFF functionality. This is referred to as auto-calculation. Starting on March 3rd, some Compact fees and some state fees will be auto-calculating, and others will require manual entry (a.k.a. self-calculation).
  2. The Additional Fees for the Compact must be manually entered until further notice. Additional Fees are new to the Compact Filing Fee Schedule in 2025. Filers will override the Compact fee auto-calculation to include Additional Fees.
  3. The Advance Filing Fee Calculation service will remain available to determine all Compact and state filing fees due in a new submission. Users of this service will override all auto-calculated amounts and remit $100 as the Compact fee upon submission.

Filing Status Specifics

  1. The Compact will be up and running on the new SERFF platform on Monday, March 3rd. We are ready and have been testing in the new environment for weeks.
  2. The current SERFF platform (a.k.a. legacy SERFF) will temporarily be closed to all users beginning in the afternoon on Friday, February 28th.
  3. Compact filings in legacy SERFF will take read-only status when the new platform is launched on Monday, March 3rd.
  4. Going forward from launch, no actions will be performed in legacy SERFF. All previous Compact filings will migrate to the new platform. Along with new submissions, everything about Compact filings - registrations, reopens, responses, notes to reviewer - will occur in the new platform.
  5. It is critical for all filers to address any draft items in the legacy SERFF before Friday, February 28th. Draft items in legacy SERFF will not migrate to the new platform.

Support Specifics

  1. Part of the modernization project running concurrently with the new platform launch is major changes to the user management system.
  2. The user management system is not specific to Compact users. It affects all SERFF users.
  3. The SERFF team will provide support for the user management system and will remain your front line for all questions about the new platform.
  4. The Compact will refer user management and platform questions to the SERFF team.
  5. Reach the SERFF team via email to or through NAIC support channels as normal.
  6. You can search the Compact website for previous tips on the News and Events page, under the News category.

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Compact Office via

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