How to Ask the Compact a Question
The Compact Office is re-sharing guidance on how to ask questions of the Compact Team. We want to emphasize we are happy to answer your questions and appreciate your questions.
The Compact Review Team consists of a small group of dedicated professionals who review filing submissions using the requirements detailed in the Uniform Standards. In addition to the five current form reviewers, there are three credentialed actuaries who review the actuarial requirements provided in the Uniform Standards. These are the same Compact Team members who address any correspondence received. We ask for the Pre-filing Communication Form to be completed in order to make an effective and efficient use of the company filer’s time as well as the resources available at the Compact. Having the information provided up front allows for the Compact Team to assign the right Reviewer or Actuary, or even both, to review the correspondence and provide a response. Additionally, the information allows the Review Team the opportunity to discuss the questions internally in greater detail, if need be, and to tie the inquiry to an eventual filing in our records.
We want to stress again; we welcome all questions and would ask for your assistance in ensuring all of the pieces to the question are provided using the Pre-Filing Communication Form.
It is important to note not all questions require the Pre-Filing Communication form to be completed. Next week, we will touch base on those scenarios.
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