
Compact Year End Reminders

As we all prepare for the holidays and our long winter’s nap, the Compact Office wanted to highlight a few things. Please note the Insurance Compact Office will be closed on Monday, December 25th, through Monday, January 1st. The Compact Office will resume normal operations on Tuesday, January 2nd.

To plan for this break in normal operations December 25th - January 1st, please observe these key dates:

  • December 4th  - Opened up 2024 Annual Registration submission option. Directions for submitting the registration filing and fee are on the Industry Resources page
  • December 11th  - Last day to submit Expedited Review requests. 
  • December 22nd  - Expedited Review filings in process will be paused, both filer response and Compact Office review due dates.
  • December 25th  - Compact Office closed. Filings and information submitted in SERFF will be minimally processed during this time. Do not expect to contact, or hear from, the Compact Office team during this time.
  • January 2nd  - Compact Office resumes normal operations.
  • January 2nd  - Expedited Review queue will resume normal operations. Do not re-submit anything already submitted.

As you prepare your filings, remember that form numbers must reflect the year in which they were submitted for review, regardless of when forms are approved. Therefore, forms that are being submitted for review in December should continue to use an ICC23 prefix; this does not change if review carries over into 2024. Forms that are submitted in January should use an ICC24 prefix.

This year has provided a lot of memorable moments, and we want to say thank you for your continued support of the Insurance Compact. We look forward to working with you in 2024. 

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